Goldman Sachs, with its private equity and hedge fund businesses, is no more an investment bank than Blackstone, with its advisory experts and alternative investment funds, is a buyout firm. 拥有私人股本和对冲基金业务的高盛并不比收购公司百仕通(Blackstone)更像一家投行。百仕通亦拥有咨询专家和另类投资基金。
These interests range from lucrative speaking fees, advisory roles at financial institutions, managerial roles and stakes in private equity and hedge funds to corporate non-executive directorships. 这些利害关系包括丰厚的演讲费、担任金融机构顾问、在私人股本或对冲基金公司担任管理职务并持股,以及担任公司的非执行董事。
Last week, hero wallet, a financial advisory firm, showed that one in four US workers were dipping into their retirement funds to meet current spending needs in spite of the penalties that accrue. 最近,金融咨询公司herowallet表示,四分之一的美国工人为了满足当前支出需要,不惜付出代价动用自己的退休基金。
Last month, the FSB issued a small advisory report entitled "potential financial stability issues arising from recent trends in exchange-traded funds". 上月,fsb发布了一份简短的咨询报告,题为《交易所交易基金(etf)近期动向可能引发的金融稳定问题》。
Some wealth managers may offer discretionary services on a stocks and shares portfolio but insist you go down the Advisory route on potentially riskier areas such as hedge funds or private equity. 一些理财机构对于股票投资组合可能会提供全权委托服务,但对于潜在风险较大的领域,比如对冲基金或私人股本,它们会坚持让你选择顾问方式。
There are plenty of advisory firms, hedge funds and private equity funds and this Wall Street crash will create more. 目前,咨询公司、对冲基金及私人股本基金数目众多,而华尔街这场重灾将催生更多的此类公司。